What is Kinesiology and how does it work?
Kinesiology offers a complete holistic way of rebalancing the body. It is based on the Chinese 5 element theory combining chiropractic knowledge, acupuncture and nutritional information. Kinesiology allows information to be gained through the body to identify imbalances in the muscles which are linked to organs, meridians and the brain. Once identified these can be corrected with the aim of bringing the body back into balance.
There are many reasons why the body can be out of balance. These could be due to the following four realms that we focus on in Functional Kinesiology : Biochemical (what you put into and on your body), Emotional (past, present and future), Electrical (the energy flow) and Structural (injury/surgery/trauma). The imbalance of energies in these realms could be over or under energies. These are identified during the session through muscle testing. Muscles that are out of balance give information to the possible underlying cause as they are linked to organs, meridians and the brain. For instance the Quadricep muscle is linked to the Small Intestines. If this is out of balance symptoms experienced will include but not limited to leg weakness, knee problems, indigestion, bloating, constipation and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Once found corrections are then carried out to enable the body to be brought back into balance. The muscle tests are carried out predominantly using the arms and legs but other muscle can be tested such as the feet and the neck.
Food testing is also part of the Kinesiology session and can uncover foods that can be causing your body to be stressed and depleting your body of nutrients, foods that are neither depleting nor giving nutrients and foods that are nourishing your body. This can highlight what you may need to change in your diet and together we can discuss this. The session will be a fully clothed, hands on session, consent and permission will be gained prior to working with you.
Kinesiology was developed in 1964 by a Chiropractor named Dr George Goodheart. With the help of other Practitioner's from different modalities he refined the principles of muscle testing. Kinesiology is now practiced worldwide by many different practitioners and Holistic treatments and therapies are becoming more popular due to the nature of the holistic (whole body) approach.